An enchanted paradise for free flight

If one wanted to visit the heart of Umbria, the greenest place in Italy, one need look no farther than Castelluccio, the center of the Sibillini Mountains National Park. Reaching the mountain pass that dominates the plateau of Castelluccio, one is struck by the unexpected suddenness, beauty and vastness of the "Great Plain," a grassy river basin surrounded by hills, crowned by the high peaks of Mount Vettore in the Sibillini range where Prodelta is located.
Only one small road leads to Castelluccio, a typical medieval defence. At an altitude of 1452 m. Castelluccio is one of the highest points of habitation in Italy
The vision from the plateau immediately places you in contact with nature and is a paradise for the sport of free flight. The combination of a vast plain surrounded by hills and mountains creates an utterly perfect topography for the sport. From the gentle slopes to the hill tops, without obstacles, it offers a myriad of take-off points, prolonged circular flight possibilities, a variety of opportunities for teaching emergency landing techniques as well as landing on a take-off point. It is the perfect "classroom setting" for teaching this marvelous sport.
Because of perfect meteorological conditions and wind currents, it is possible to glide long distances, along the crests of Mount Vettore (2456 m) on the backbone of the Apennines. Connected to the Sibillini Mountains to the southeast are the Laga Mountains, the massive Gran Sasso and Maiella and, further south, the grand Terminillo.
At the center of the plateau, Castelluccio's history intermingles with legends rich in memorable battles and even the famous Sibilla wizard who is said to live in the caves above the countryside.